Pea Coat – Now is the Best Time to Buy it for the Next Season

How to wear a peacoat, women's fashion, street style outfit, Emmanuelle Alt wearing navy pea coat, cropped flared jeans and Chanel granny slingbacks
Emmanuelle Alt wearing navy pea coat, cropped flared jeans and Chanel granny slingbacks


One of the coats I have been admiring is a pea coat. Emmanuelle Alt, Editor-in-Chief of Vogue Paris, has been well know for always stacking up her wardrobe with this adorable outerwear. She first started wearing men’s models back few years ago but as the pea coat widely entered women’s fashion she has been seen in several designer models – Balmain, Isabel Marant to name few.

Pea Coat – Fine Casual Daily Wear

A pea coat is becoming a staple style piece in women’s fashion and we have seen many street stars rolling them out in their styles. The rason it is becoming so popular is it’s adaptability from casual daily wear to more elegant formal styles. You can pair it with jeans – for example Emmanuelle Alt wore it during Paris Fashion Week with mega popular cropped jeans and Chanel granny slingbacks. So generally it looks awesome worn with jeans.

But you can also pair it with elegant pants or wear it with a skirt or through it over a light dress. The masculine feel of the coat gives special touch to feminine pieces so do keep mixing it with light-romantic-lacy fabrics. Check out few street looks for an inspiration and see where to shop some of the best models we’ve found at online stores.


How to wear a peacoat, women's fashion, Paris Fashion Week street style outfit, Elizabeth von Guttman wearing Chloe lace top, pea cot, Chloe shoulder bag, cropped wide leg pants and ankle boots. Elizabeth von Guttman, founder of System Magazine and Ever Manifesto
Elizabeth von Guttman, founder of System Magazine and Ever Manifesto


How to wear a peacoat, women's fashion, street style outfit, Emmanuelle Alt wearing navy pea coat, cropped flared jeans and Chanel granny slingbacks

How to wear a peacoat, women's fashion, Paris Fashion Week street style outfit, editor Vogue Paris wearing grey skinny jeans and a pea cote with white loose jumper and high heel ankle boots



















Perfect Pair:

Grey Metallic Pleated Skirt and Grey Cosy Sweater

Where did you get that »


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