Chic Street Look with Saint Laurent Over the Knee Boots

how to wear over the knee boots, Saint Lauren, street chic look


Here is an interesting street look we’ve seen in Paris with chic grey Saint Lauren suede over-the-knee boots paired with tweed shorts and Chloe silk crepe de chine blouse with exaggerated cuffs and a contrasting black neck tie. Mid-length coat worn over the shoulders gave a very elegant look.  Scroll down to see more of this chic outfit.


how to wear Chloe silk crepe de chine blouse with exaggerated cuffs and a contrasting black neck tie, street chic look

how to wear over the knee boots Saint Lauren, street chic look

how to wear Saint Lauren over the knee boots and shorts pants, Paris street chic look

how to wear Saint Lauren over the knee boots and shorts pants, Paris street chic look

how to wear Saint Lauren over the knee boots and Chloe Goldie small leather shoulder bag, Paris street chic look

how to wear Chloe silk crepe de chine blouse with exaggerated cuffs and a contrasting black neck tie, Paris street chic look

how to wear Saint Lauren over the knee boots and Chloe Goldie small leather shoulder bag, Paris street chic look


Chic Street Look with Saint Laurent Over the Knee Boots



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